Insulation flat roofs
The Pirotherm system is the perfect insulation system for any kind of flat roof: from small renovations to large estates.
The Pirotherm system combines both Pirotherm isolating mortar and EPS & PUR plates to a strong isolating slope for a flat roof, new construction as well as renovation. Every desired U-value (= insulation value) can be realised.
The Pirotherm system is the ideal foundation for sealing any roof:
- both bitunimous as synthetic
- both loose, partially adhesive and solid adhesive
- both welded hot as glued cold together
A perfect slope
The Pirotherm system is flexible whereby, without any complication, a perfect versatile slope can be created, independent of the flatness of the surface. The slope prevents troublesome and damaging puddles, as a result it’s an ideal base for any kind of ballast on the roof: gravel, terraces and patio’s, green roofs, etc… as well as roofs without ballast.
Quality assurance
The Pirotherm system is already istalled for over 50 years. Thanks to this huge experience are we able to provide you with the best solution possible for any flat roof.
To guarantee you that each flat roof has a perfect execution, the Pirothem system is installed exclusively by acknowledged firms. Above all the Pirothem system is ATG-certified.
Inflammable roof
Pirotherm has an unmatched reaction to fire. In an event of a roof fire only the roofing, with or without ballast, can be damaged. The Pirotherm system protects the underluying constructional component.
This important feature has prevented multiple buildings for any disaster in case of roof fire. (retrieved from, articles “Het belang van bewezen onbrandbaarheid” uit Dakenraad / “The importance of proven incombustibility” from Dakenraad en “Pirotherm-systeem voorkwam een ramp” uit De Dakdekker / “Pirotherm system prevented a disaster” from De Dakdekker)
Insulation system for a roof-top car park
Due to a very high compression strenght of the Pirotherm system, this system also provides the perfect insulation to apply on roof-top car park. Any surface finishing is possible: slabs of concrete, cement concrete, mastic asphalt, etc…
A perfect roof insulation
The Pirotherm system excludes cold bridges, for the reason that the whole is istalled weldless and without any interruption.
An optimization of the system is investigated for every single project, this to obtain the desired and/or prescribed by the EPB-survey insulation value
Thanks to our fluid ballast (insulation mortar) any project regarding a dome, an archway, roof edge finish and erect construction are flawlessly realizable.
The Solarproof® system combines the ideal roof insulation from the Pirotherm system with a new developed intergrated solar panel. This sonar panel is a horizontal heat exchange unit who absorbse solar heat and transfers it to wherever required.
This method can be used for either domestic or industrial applications; e.g. with the help of heat pomps the heating of household water, swimming-pool water, dry cleaner’s, etc… This will result in a free of charge and green source of energy which will reduce and optimize the temperature adaptation requirements.
More info in detail (website